The Tower of London


It was founded by William the Conqueror in the IIth century and was used by him as a fortress and a palace. Later it was made a prison. Then it was transformed into a museum.





Almost everything you come across in Britain is a result of a long history. The British are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. This ceremony takes place every night and is 700years old. At 21.53 the Chief Warder of the Tower, carrying a lantern and the keys, meets the Escort of the Key. They march to the variuos gates and lock them ceremonially.

The Tower of London is one of the most visited spots in Britain.

Tower are also known as УBeefeatersФ. They guard the Tower of London and help visitors.


On November 5, 1605, Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators planned to blow up Parliament. The plot was discovered and Guy Fawkes was hanged. But the cellars where Guy Fawkes was captured  are searched before each opening of Parliament.


The ceremony of Trooping the Colour takes place on the Queen`s УofficialФ birthday on the second Saturday in June.


Another traditional ceremony takes place on the Thursday before Easter Sunday.
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